Jamaica Accounting and Tax Services

Accountant General Department of Jamaica

The Accountant General Department of Jamaica is responsible for administering the Consolidated Fund, collecting certain revenues, and providing advice to the Minister of Finance. The Department also represents the Government as a shareholder in certain companies, issuing shares in the name of the Accountant General under the Crown Properties (vesting) Act. The department works with the Ministry of Finance to develop accounting of public debt.

Accountant General

The Accountant General Department of Jamaica is responsible for facilitating the flow of public sector funds. As the operational department of the Ministry of Finance and Planning, it is charged with the collection, safekeeping, and disbursement of public funds. The department also has responsibilities for the Consolidated Fund, the primary instrument of parliamentary control over public monies.

The AGD has recently introduced a series of initiatives that will streamline service delivery to Government pensioners. One such initiative is the receipt system, which helps process life certificates more efficiently and deliver them to pensioners on time. This initiative is designed to eliminate long lines that can prevent pensioners from receiving their pensions in a timely manner. The process is currently slowed down by pensioners who pass their life certificates to their children or grandchildren, delaying the delivery process by weeks.

The Accountant General Department of Jamaica manages public funds and provides advice to ministries and departments. The main tasks of the department are to maintain the Consolidated Fund and ensure that all payments are made on time. Other important duties of the department include managing all Government properties. In order to dispose of government property, the Accountant General must follow the provisions of the Crown Properties (vesting) Act. In addition, the Accountant General must ensure the timely service of all Government debts.

The Accountant General Department of Jamaica is responsible for maintaining the government’s accounting system. The department’s primary task is to oversee bookkeeping and ensure proper accounting procedures. The Accountant General Department also oversees the financial records of the government.

Consolidated Fund

The Consolidated Fund of Accountant General is responsible for the management of Jamaica’s public debt. It also pays for public service expenses. Its bank accounts are controlled by the Accountant General. The accounts are reconciled monthly. There are various accounts in the Consolidated Fund.

The Treasury Division of the Department is responsible for the Consolidated Fund, banking administrative authorizations, and Government shares in public bodies. The Treasury Division implements systems for sound fiscal management and ensures that all funds disbursed by the Consolidated Fund are accurate and timely.

The Consolidated Fund is the primary parliamentary instrument that regulates government expenditures. It is held in trust for the government and is subject to periodic audits. The Accountant General is also responsible for the safekeeping and proper disbursement of its monies. In addition, the Accountant General is also responsible for the collection and disbursement of all monies due to the Government, including those that are payable under another law.

The Accountant General’s Department is bound by the Jamaican Constitution and over 24 acts of Parliament. As the custodian of the Consolidated Fund, it is responsible for overseeing the collection of government funds and disbursing them appropriately. It is also responsible for the management of Government properties.

Customer service centre

The Accountant General Department of Jamaica is the operational department within the Ministry of Finance and Planning that facilitates the flow of public funds. Its duties include ensuring that funds are collected and disbursed according to legal requirements. It is also responsible for the administration of the Consolidated Fund, which is the primary instrument of parliamentary control over public funds.

The department also provides assistance to individuals and businesses who require assistance with various matters relating to the government. For example, it provides assistance with the administration of pensions and issues life certificates electronically. The department has improved its customer service centre by expanding its staff and implementing a new system for processing life certificates of pensioners. The new service is aimed at making pension payments as timely as possible.


The Government of Jamaica has launched a new set of reforms aimed at making the Accountant General Department more efficient. The policy, which was outlined in January 2017, aims to make the department more responsive to the needs of the country’s businesses and citizens. The reforms are also designed to improve governance and control over the public finances.

To support this reform, the government has provided technical assistance and budgetary support to the Department. The new system will improve the efficiency of treasury operations. This will lead to a reduction in the risk of warrant balances, as well as an increase in the efficient use of public cash resources.

The new law also requires the Accountant General to appoint a legal representative to perform the duties of the office. These officials are required to abide by the directives of the Governor General. They should have the support of a majority of the members of the House of Representatives.

The reforms aim to improve the efficiency and quality of public services in Jamaica. In addition, they will enhance the use of information technology in government. This will allow better service delivery to the public. The government will also focus on modernizing the public sector pension system and implementing an efficient HR structure. In addition, it will better align public expenditures to the fiscal capacity and prioritize initiatives with a direct impact on economic growth.

These reforms will benefit citizens, private sector firms, and the central government. The central government will be able to allocate more resources for social programs and capital spending. In addition, public officers will be assigned more efficient tasks and receive better corporate services and training.

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